Month: January 2012

  • 6 Weeks Postpartum and Other Checkups...

    First time taking Luke "shopping". Grandma Lee wanted to check things out so we went to keep her company. Luke wasn't so excited. :P

    I saw my OB/GYN today for the 6 week postpartum checkup. The doctor said my uterus was almost back to its pre pregnancy size, the incision and area are healed up nicely and my blood pressure is totally normal. Glad to hear all this news but the most surprising thing was that I'm already back at my pre preggo weight! :O Say what?!?! I guess it's all the breastfeeding.

    However, my body is definitely different now. It's sorta sad but I feel like a deflated balloon. I was so blown up when I was pregnant and now well everything is sorta soft and squishy (sorry if this is TMI for anyone that comes across this post :P ). I've pretty much lost all muscle tone, even in my legs which is a first in my life. My usually ginormous calves have shrunk. :O

    Thankfully my doctor said I'm good to start exercising again and resuming all usual activities so I'm looking forward to getting back into shape (well some sort of shape) and fight the ajumma body that inevitably will come on full force in a few years. ;)   Continue reading

  • Luke's 1 Month Update

    How is it possible that a month has passed since Luke was born?!?! Oppa and I keep saying it to each other but seriously what did we do this past month?! Actually we know -we've been changing Luke's diapers, feeding, burping, putting him to sleep and then repeat over and over again!

    Luke about to take his first cab ride

    Life at Home

    When we left the hospital, it became so real to both Oppa and I that Luke was ours and that he was for keeps. ;) We were both so nervous to take him home in the cab and get him inside our apt.

    So tiny in his car seat!

    Oppa and I have been so touched by our friends and family throughout the entire pregnancy but during the first week we really were completely humbled and overwhelmed by the love and generosity of our friends and community in NYC. 

    Since Luke came early and my parents weren't scheduled to come until Dec 27, our pastor's wife Bethany set up a MealBaby registry for us so that people could bring us food. I thought I would be able to handle cooking and taking care of Luke but thank goodness Bethany convinced us to set up MealBaby! It was so wonderful not to have to worry about meals especially since I didn't anticipate the c section or the longer recovery period.

    Our good friends Janet and Jason also helped us a great deal by not only bringing over so much food but by Janet showing us how to take care of Luke. I'm so thankful for her expertise as a NICU nurse! In and out of the hospital I've learned the most about caring for Luke from the nurses in my life!  Continue reading