February 1, 2010

  • February Challenge...

    It's still Feb 1! I have 40 minutes left to update!

    The hubs and I have challenged each other to try and blog every day of February. 

    Can we do it? I'm not sure but I really want to try. We both love blogs and blogging but never really get the chance to update our sites very often.

    Here are the guidelines of our challenge:

    • We must try and blog every day, no excuses, barring some kind of catastrophe
    • A post is considered to be a minimum of 5 sentences (clear sentences with a point) and 1 image
    • Post for the day must be completed by 11:59 p.m.
    • Posts can be about anything but content should be original to us (not reposting something cool from another blog)

    Ok, so that's all the guidelines for now. Here's my first post!

    From time to time I work late at my office instead of at home. Sometimes I get into a groove and forget the time (I love when this happens), other times I have to meet editorial staff in the evenings. If I leave the office after 9:30p.m. the entrance to the subway exit I usually take is closed.

    The street I walk down to get to the subway gets pretty dark at night. All the businesses on the street are closed by then and things are quiet. It's not a scary dark, more like a peaceful dark. The walk between the two avenues is a welcomed stroll that helps me to decompress from a busy day.

    But as soon as I round the corner to 7th Ave to the Times Square 1/2/3 station I'm always surprised by the sudden brightness. I've walked these streets countless times, but I'm always caught off guard by the brightness of what's ahead.

    You can't tell from this picture (I snapped this tonight) but the lights are so bright they hurt your eyes when you look up the street.

    My office is two blocks away from Times Square

    I love this about New York -you never know when you'll be surprised by what's around the corner. I think my life has been like that lately too -filled with quiet strolls and then sudden flashes of craziness (both good and bad). This is my own silly reflection on the past month...more to come.

    First post completed with two minutes to spare!

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